Despite waking up with a bad headache and summoning myself to clean the communal area of our villa, which I did not realize that I am to live and pay for my bedspace and work as a part time housekeeper on one weekend at least a month when I go and live here in Dubai, this week end up pretty cool and laid back.
I hushed to Mercato after doing a round of sweeping and vacuuming the TV area then taking a cold bath. I was seated in my favorite spot in Fiesta World Café for my breakfast and a bonus cup of tea. I had a slice of bread with ham and pouched eggs on it. It was fatty but still I ate it leisurely with no much guilt. It was weekend after all and on weekends I am giving myself the freedom to enjoy my meals. Actually, I was there that early to have a chat with my boyfriend on line. So thinking that he is waiting for me to sign in, I was too excited to connect to the net. And to my surprise, I did not see a glowing icon on the side of his name. Then I checked for any message that he sent me in all my emails but no, there was none. But thanks to my new found experience that is actually teaching me to be composed and be optimistic of little things that might happen everyday. So instead of grieving and thinking how unthoughtful he was, I decided to ring him. There, he sounded like he's getting bored with chatting everyday and that may be we could spare this day besides the fact that the bosses are just behind his back. But I thought, I was sick yet I pushed my way to chat with him so why can't he. No, we did not have a bad argument. The conversation was actually sweet. We were talking about future plans and how we'd be together again and how he'd be able to have that dream album of theirs :D
The line suddenly went dead and so we end up continuing the chat online. But since he's at work, hence must do his work, I volunteered to free him up and call him later in the evening. Then I was left with no one to chat with. I am paying for an expensive breakfast to take advantage of the free internet connection as a matter of fact. And so I thought I cannot just leave and go home. So I told my friends to come over if they want to make use of the free internet connection as well.
Malaya was just around doing grocery for Dianne's birthday party. Noel joined me and we stayed glued to our seats for the next two hours, which means I have been in the same spot for five hours total. They could have shooed me out if we did not ordered that much. I was actually thinking that I could save money having such past time but this day proved wrong. Well, let us not convert currencies because it was not really practical if you'd see the figures in Philippine peso. Indeed it was my once a week luxury. A pretty nice laid back weekend.
Then we went straight to St Mary's Church for my Sunday mass. Jeff was not able to join us. It was a very cool church visit. We were 45 minutes early for the mass so we got comfortable seats near the altar. We even had the time to finish one decade of Rosary. The Homily was nice as well. For quite a long time, I think this is the first time that I paid full attention to the Sermon. Normally, my thoughts go afloat whenever I lost my focus or was not able to follow what the priest was saying. Well, in a nutshell the idea is that if only families are good, there wouldn't be bad people hence no war in this world.
I was thinking of getting Dianne a surprise after the mass and head of to Lamcy. There we tried to start walking the sun shiny streets from St Mary's but the heat was just too much to take so I backed off and told Noel to just go home and party with Dianne. It was a party indeed, lots of food - all too much to handle. Later that night, we met her colleague who happened to be an Architect as well. She is Malaysian with, I supposed, UK education. We had a pretty fun and intelligent conversation. I was really having a great time, I think everyone is.
I'm jotting all this down right now, thinking of sharing this wonderful experience with the people who might actually care how things are going on with me here in Dubai-kalas!